日本在中の外国人ドローンPilotに役立ち情報 Hamish O’Connell
【JDAドローンマガジン 2023年3月26日掲載】
Flying Drones In Japan
The Japanese agency responsible for drone safety, JCAB, has provided several internet-accessible detailson flying for fun or work. The highlights areenumerated below. For moredetails, go to the link above.
Are drones allowed in Japan?
JCAB states that drone use is allowed in Japan, subject to strict JCAB regulations. Read on for
more details.
Important Notice regarding registration and remote ID
The mandatory registration of Unmanned Aircraft became effective on June 20, 2022. No flights
of unregistered Unmanned Aircraft weighing 100 g or more are allowed after June 20, 2022.
Please be sure to register your Unmanned Aircraft. Also, Unmanned Aircraft of 100 g or more
are subject to the control of the Civil Aeronautics Act, including the scope of the flight
permission system from June 20, 2022.
In addition to displaying a registration ID on the Unmanned Aircraft, the aircraft must be
equipped with a remote ID function. The RID equipment installed in the Unmanned Aircraft
transmits the aircraft’s identification information via radio waves even during a flight, enabling
you to identify whether or not it is registered and ensuring safe skies.
As of June 20th, 2022, all drones over the weight of 100 grams are required to be registered.
Follow this link to register and pay the fee (900 to 2,400 yen for the first drone, depending on the
application method). Your drone must also be equipped with a remote ID function or equipment.
Prohibited Airspace for Flight
Any person who intends to operate a UA/Drone in the following airspaces must obtain
permission from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism.
(A) Airspace around airports. (airspaces above approach surface, horizontal surface, transitional
surface, extended approach surface, conical surface, and outer horizontal surface.As of September 18, 2019, Airspace below the approach surface, transitional surface, and
above the airport premises is added to a no-fly zone at the following airports; New Chitose
Airport, Narita International Airport, Tokyo International Airport, Chubu International Airport,
Kansai International Airport, Osaka International Airport, Fukuoka Airport, Naha Airport.
(B) Airspace at or above 150m above ground level.
(C) Above Densely Inhabited Districts (DID) defined and published by the Ministry of Internal
Affairs and Communications.
Operational Limitations
Regardless of where you fly, you must follow the rules listed below when flying a UA/Drone:
[1] Do not operate UA/Drones under the influence of alcohol and drugs.
[2] Fly and operate UA/Drones after preflight actions.
[3] Operate UA/Drones to prevent collision hazards with airplanes and other UAs/Drones.
[4] Do not operate UA/Drones in a careless or reckless manner.
[5] Fly and operate UA/Drones in the daytime.
[6] Operate UA/Drones within Visual Line of Sight (VLOS).
[7] Keep a 30m or more operating distance between UA/Drones and persons or properties on the
ground/water surface.
[8] Do not operate UA/Drones over event sites where many people gather.
[9] Do not transport hazardous materials such as explosives by UA/Drone.
[10] Do not drop any objects from UAs/Drones.
If you intend to fly a UA/Drone regardless of rules [5] to [10] above, you must obtain approval
from the Regional Civil Aviation Bureau in advance.
Requirements stated in “Airspace in which Flights are Prohibited” and “Operational Limitations”
are not applied to flights for search and rescue operations by public organizations in case of
accidents and disasters. (Exception for part of the rules.)
If the above rules are violated, the UAV operator is liable for a fine of up to 500,000 yen. (* If
[1] is violated, the UAV operator is liable for imprisonment for up to one year or a fine of up to
300,000 yen.)
Permission & Approval
You must submit an application in Japanese for permission or approval to the Ministry of Land
Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism for at least ten days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and
holidays) before you fly a UA/Drone. For further information, please contact the UA/Drone
Counseling Service.